Sixth Annual Graduate Research Symposium at DSU

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On April 8, 2016 students of Delaware State University had the opportunity to present various research projects in the annual Graduate Research Symposium.

Held in the Bank of America building, each floor allowed students to showcase their creative works to the DSU community through oral and concurrent poster presentations.

John D. Wallace, President of the Graduate Student Association, acknowledges the dedication of all the hard working students that have experienced, “endless late nights, strenuous research, and long hours spent in the library.”

Physics and Engineering student, Lu Lu, provides an insight on all of the commitment and patience needed to successful conduct a research project.

After being asked how long a typical research project takes to complete, Lu Lu states that complete research calculations “can take maybe a few weeks to one-month” if assigned one portion of the project to research.

This year’s theme for the event was, “Analytics: The Wave of the Future”. According Dr. Saundra F. Delauder, on behalf of DSU’s School of Graduate Studies and Research, this year’s theme serves to “highlight the university’s focus on the use of data to inform our decision making.”

In collaboration with the Graduate Student Association, the School of Graduate Studies and Research serves to offer professional degree programs to students to help in enhancing their professional development.

Similar to the mission of the School of Graduate Studies and Research, the Graduate Student Association wants to provide students with the opportunity to increase their professional development and the chance to network within their communities.

Trey Anderson, Vice President of the Graduate Student Association, explains what this organization stands for. “Well the GSA is the voice of the graduate students essentially. It serves to increase enrollment by getting our own undergraduates here, and expanding the knowledge of graduate studies as a whole through the advantages that we have.

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