Are you a softie?

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “softie”. To the shy it may mean that you’re a pushover, and to the sugar-toothed it may refer to the softness of delicious ice cream. What if I told you that being a “softie” is related to business. As in “softie”, I mean having “soft skills”.

Google gets all technical with the definition. The easiest way to define the term is to remember the phrase, “soft skills pay the bills”. Soft skills are the basic techniques that are helpful when looking for jobs. The basic skills include being a team player, having an enthusiastic attitude and manners, being able to illustrate critical thinking skills, and also being able to communicate with others. These “soft” or basic skills are a pot of gold in the work force. If you develop these skills now, you are on the right track to getting the job you want!


Soft skills are important to have while working amongst co-workers in any job.

So how can I become a softie? By watching these videos here:

Each section broken down:

TEAMWORK: I’m sure we have all heard the phrase, “Team work makes the dream work”. This is completely true. Being a team player in regards to working with others is vital to working in any job. No one can do anything alone- heck, I call my mom for everything therefore there’s always room for assistance. Team work is important in the work force because having the ability to work with a diverse group of people despite differences is much needed to complete a task successfully. Furthermore, being able to tolerate your co-workers establishes a healthier working environment.

  • As a mass communications major this skill applies to my field goals because I will be surrounded by numerous people. There are going to be times where I have group projects to fulfill. If we all don’t get along or at least have the capabilities to be cordial with one another, how will we ever get the assignment done? I wouldn’t want to loose my job just because I did not know how to get along with someone.

ATTITUDE: One of the most important! Show people that your ready to work, and have a positive attitude about it. Having enthusiasm is important in the work force because a positive attitude lets employers know that you enjoy what you do. No one wants to hire someone who constantly has a cloud over there heads and who brings negativity everywhere they go.


Think positive

  • This skill applies to my field goals because I want to surround myself with positive vibes. When your happy and enjoy what you do, it shows. I’m already viewed as a bubbly person and this is a reputation worth keeping!

CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS: It is important to think on your feet in the workforce! Being able to identify problems and find a solution is a nice asset to any skill set. Employers are always looking for creative thinkers who can fix any difficulties without hesitation.

  • This skill applies to my field goals because I need to be able to tap into my creativity in order to solve issues.

COMMUNICATION: Communication is key in the work force. As DJ Khaled would say it is a “MAJOR KEY”.


Being able to communicate in the job force is key.

How can you fulfill your job without being to properly communicate with others. Proper communication is how we spread our knowledge and ideas. Proper communication is how we make it clear that we understand our tasks. Proper communication is how we learn from one another through conversation.

  • Mass Communications has the word “Communications” within itself. This “soft skill” is definitely pertains to my field goals. It’s my job to be able to connect with the people as mass communications is defined as “the study of how people and entities relay information through mass media to large segments of the population at the same time”. (Thanks Google).

I feel as though I can improve on my critical thinking skills. I want to be able to solve problems without going into panic mode and asking for help. If I can think quickly and act effectively, I feel as though this will mediate many situations.




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