The Never ending Legacy of Nina


Nina Simone. Who is she? To some she is a legend of a lyricist and singer and to others she may be unknown. Whether you are aware of all of her vast accomplishments and influence in North America and other regions- or not, the legacy of Nina Simone will never fade. Simone’s impact on the world still remains even after she passed away on April 21, 2003. Although she leaves behind her gifts, she will always be remembered for all of the talent she has shared, as well the inspiration she has granted many.

Numerous aspects of her life are highlighted in a recent documentary titled “What Happened, Miss Simone?” Highly praised for songs that inspired many African Americans during a time of adversity in society, Simone has earned the title as the voice during the Civil Rights Movement. Simone’s unique voice and highly relatable lyrics has led


Nina Simone sings her song “Aint got no…I’ve got life” passionately for a large audience.

to her successful rise to fame. Although her fame has contributed to much of her success, she still addressed the difficulties she has faced. In her song titled, “Aint got no….I’ve got life”, Simone leaves the listener to translate the meaning behind a simple melody and reflect on how they may be experiencing similar thoughts.

On Monday, I had the
privilege of being the listener.

At first impression, no meaning was clear to me. Some of the lyrics said “I aint got no home, aint got no shoes” and ” I aint got no mother, aint got no culture”. While it was obvious that Simone did not mean these things literally, I had to think more into depth. After contrasting what she did not have to what she did, I was able to understand the encoded message hidden between the lines.


Registering for college classes at DSU

To me, this song means that material and superficial items sometimes mean nothing. Overall as long as you have yourself, you have everything you could possibly need. This relates to me especially as a college student. Although I have a supportive family, I still feel as though I am living through a struggle.

College is no joke. From having loads of assignments due with a blink of an eye, to dealing with financial burdens, it comes with a lot of difficulty. Sure I may not have a lot of money. Money is materialistic. As long as I have my brain, myself, and will power, I will be able to achieve anything I put my mind too. This is what the song means to me.

Interpret your own meaning of the song by listening to  the live version here:

A student discusses their college struggles. We are not alone.

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